Opportunity Knox

The Opportunity Knox Group meets once a month, September to June, usually on the 3'rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm (dates do change depending on activity scheduled however). Members take turns planning meetings which may include guest speakers, activities, tours and always include food and lots of laughter.

We regularly hold our major fundraiser, 'Pasta with Presbyterian Pazzazz' (a pasta supper) in April. We decorate the church for Christmas the end of November. Anyone is welcome to join this energetic group of ladies for fun and fellowship.

The picture above is a project we worked on in March - stuffing purses with toiletries, socks, jewelry  etc for women in shelters who may be forced to leave their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Fellowship Group

Please contact the office if you wish to learn about this group and how you can volunteer within Knox Church.

Bessie MacMurchy Group

The Bessie MacMurchy Group is a group of ladies who gather together once a month on the 3rd Tuesday at 1:30pm in the Knox Presbyterian Church parlour. They have a short program that is sometimes taken from Glad Tidings. A business meeting follows, along with a social time and refreshments.

This group of ladies also caters to funerals and special events held at Knox Church. All proceeds go to charities and W.M.S.

Britton W.M.S. Group

Please contact the office if you wish to learn about this group and how you can volunteer within Knox Church.

Wallace WMS Group

Please contact the office if you wish to learn about this group and how you can volunteer within Knox Church.